Root Down - Establishing Your Truth

For a moment, let’s be with the trees.

Imagine a tree so strong and healthy that it stops you in your path and creates a pause in your day.

Step closer to that tree.

Now imagine yourself stepping into that tree and becoming one with it.

You grow your roots in deeply nourished soil. Your roots continue to grow searching for the most fertile soil to bring the nutrients up to the crown of the tree.

Now, come back into your own body.

We, like trees, will grow when we expand our search for nourishment.

What are you expanding into right now?

What do you want to be expanding into right now?

Where are your largest opportunities for growth?

The muladhara is the base of our bodies, the roots of our existence, where we build trust and dissemble fear. When we set the roots of our intention we begin to send the roots on a journey to bring in the nutrients needed to fuel our growth.

In order to expand deeper, we need to let go of what is holding us back.

Can you identify that for yourself?

Here are some mantras to help access awareness of your muladhara:

  • I love being in my body.

  • I am centered and grounded.

  • I am safe.

  • I trust more and fear less.

  • I value my physical body.

  • I am rooted and feel at home.

  • I have everything I need.

As you move through those affirmations - see which ones feel like they could use some work…that is where the growth lies for you.

The base chakra is the most difficult one to wake up. The growth is uncomfortable, heavy and hard. Please remember to be gentle with yourself and celebrate the small wins with gratitude.


Creating Joy


In Honor of the late BKS Iyengar for his birth week.