Populus Tremuloides

Aspen trees have always had a special impact on me. When I first moved to Colorado I was taken to the largest Aspen grove on earth.

A stand of Aspen trees is all connected via a root system. When they get their leaves in the spring and when their leaves change and fall in the autumn, they give the illusion of some kind of wave taking over the mountainside.

The Utes; indigenous to the region where I live, play and learn relied heavily on the Aspen trees for many purposes including the content of salicin and populin found in the bark. These two ingredients are precursors to asprin.

The properties found in these medicines aid in pain relief, inflammation and anti-bacterial.

I have always thought of the bark of the Aspen trees as ‘the eyes of the world’. When I am in the aspen forest, I can’t help but see the knots on the bark appear like kind eyes.

Because of the above mentioned anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of the Aspen, coupled with the lyrics that run through my mind while I am amongst them - I’ve decided that the only appropriate name for this aspen-based eye roller to be “Eyes of the World.”

You can also find Aspen as an herbal ally in other products; it is the base of Cool Colorado Rain and Stealing Thyme for the salicic properties (both of which are included in the Sensitive Skin Facial Kit.

The wound care, Hellbender features Aspen as an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial ally; both beneficial in wound care.

Additionally, aspen bark extract is also used as a natural preservative. I advise to use products immediately due to the lack of chemical preservatives but I do use aspen bark extract in a number of the products as well!


Wholistic Beauty


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