Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire

Did you know that when in very cold temperatures, the blood moves to the core of our bodies to keep our organs warm? This is why our digits are first to show signs of cold due to lack of circulation.

Did you know that when our main organs that make up our constitution, the ones that lie in the center of our torso, work most effectively when they are sitting in the place that they’re intended to be?

When our bodies are out of physical alignment, the organs begin to get pushed, squished and spatially compromised. They don’t get the proper circulation, flushing and nutrition when the path is out of its place or there isn’t proper space for the organ to exist and thrive.

Supporting proper spinal alignment means allowing the natural curvature of our spines to sit the way they would naturally without the influence of emotions, furniture and spatial limitations.

Three good news points for us:

  1. Our bodies are incredibly resilient and capable of regenerating themselves.

  2. Suffering is an option.

  3. With appropriate use of props, we can all benefit by changing our posture to better accommodate our organs through our aging process.

Manipura chakra aka the Solar Plexus. This location about 3 fingers below our sternum in the center of our being, and is where our energetic fire is created.

This is the core of our being.

When we put our energetic spectral lenses on, we layer in the root of our belief system as seen through a creative lense and stoke our inner fire.

Some affirmations for balancing this area energetically:

  • I create and respect clear boundaries

  • I am powerful

  • I am relaxed

  • I am balanced

  • I am courageous

  • I am authentic

  • I am comfortable

When in balance, the solar plexus chakra can be like an anchor to the most authentic version of ourselves.

When out of balance, we may feel that we need to prove ourselves to the world, yet the world will never fully understand who it is that we are trying to be because the anchor is not there.

Just because we come into alignment with ourselves in any one of these areas does not mean that we continue to exist in that place.

Like all of the best things in life, it takes practice, intention and work to maintain and tone our physical bodies into alignment.

I want to spend my time making meaningful relationships with passionate people of all kinds. Passionate people possess a quality that is a result of living their most authentic life. They have embodied the person they felt called to become and the passion flows through them freely. These people are my most favorite types of humans.


Heart Center


Creating Joy