sprouted raw almond milk

Ditch all those yucky thickeners, preservatives and added junk in store-bought milks and go for the two-ingredient option. As far as I am concerned in the kitchen and home, less is more (for the most part.)



  • blender

  • 1 C raw almonds

  • water

  • nut milk bag (a few layers of cheesecloth would work as well)​


  1. Soak almonds in water overnight. Keep in mind that the almonds will swell when they absorb the water, so fill up the jar. 

  2. In the AM, Drain and rinse the almonds thoroughly. See the little sprouts starting on the point? That's the life-force!

  3. Blend the almonds with 1 qt of water to 1 C of almonds. (Add or reduce water to your desired consistency)

  4. Strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth, squeezing out as much liquid as you can. The pulp can be saved and added to grawnola, smoothies or dried as flour. 

Almonds are a great source of vitamin e and antioxidants which aide in reducing cellular damage that cause inflammation, aging and cancer


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